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Gray Iron Casting Product by Full Mold Casting

Gray Iron Casting Product by Full Mold Casting

Material: Gray Iron EN-GJL-250
Process: Lost Foam Casting + CNC Machining
Weight: 6 kg
Application: Gearbox Housing for Truck

Grey iron truck spare parts by full mold casting process.


Lost Foam Casting, also called Lost Foam Casting (LFC) or Full Mold Casting, is a kind of Evaporative Pattern Casting (EPC) with dry sand casting process. The EPC is sometimes could be short for Expendable Pattern Casting because the lost foam patterns could be used only once. After the foam patterns are finished by special machined, then the foamed plastic patterns are coated with refractory coating to form a strong shell to withstand the molten metal. The foam patterns with shells are put into the sand box, and fill it with dry sand sand around them. During pouring, the high-temperature molten metal makes the foam pattern pyrolyzed and “disappears” and occupies the exit cavity of the patterns, and finally the finished desired castings are obtained.

W hat Are the Advantages of Lost Foam Casting?

✔ Greater design freedom for complex structural castings
✔ No draft angle is needed to save lots of cost.
✔ Function integrated foam patterns could be assembled from several pieces of foam patterns.
✔ Lost foam castings are near-net-shape process
✔ High flexibility through short set-up times
✔ Longer EPS mould service lives, hence lower proportionate tool costs
✔ Assembly and treatment costs are reduced by the omission of the treatment process, installation parts, screw connections, etc.
✔ Expansion of the scope of applications

grey iron lost foam casting