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Grey Cast Iron CNC Machining Product

Grey Cast Iron CNC Machining Product

Material: Grey Cast Iron
Process: Shell Mold Casting + CNC Machining
Weight: 1.52 kg
Finish: Painting (Primer + Coating)

OEM customized CNC precision machining grey iron casting product based on your drawings with custom service from China manufacturer.


OEM customized CNC precision machining grey iron casting product based on your drawings with custom service from China manufacturer.

CNC machining refers to the machining process proceed by Computerized Numberical Control (CNC for short). It is aided by the CNC to reach a high and steady accuracy with less labor cost. Machining is any of various processes in which a piece of raw material is cut into a desired final shape and size by a controlled material-removal process. The processes that have this common theme, controlled material removal, are today collectively known as subtractive manufacturing, in distinction from processes of controlled material addition, which are known as additive manufacturing.

Comparison of Grey Cast Iron from Different Countries

No. China Japan U.S.A. ISO Germany France Russia U.K.
1 HT100 FC100 GG10 0.6010 EN-GJL-100 гч10 Grade 100
2 HT150 FC150 150/~No.20 F11401 ISO 185/JL/200 GG15 0.6015 EN-GJL-150 гч15 Grade 150
3 HT200 FC200 200/~No.30 F12101 ISO 185/JL/0 GG20 0.6020 EN-GJL-200 гч18 гч20 гч21 Grade 180 Grade 220
4 HT250 FC250 250/~No.35 F12401 ISO 185/JL/150 GG25 0.6025 EN-GJL-250 гч24 гч25 Grade 260
5 HT300 FC300 300/~No.45 F13101 ISO 185/JL/150 GG30 0.6030 EN-GJL-300 гч30 Grade 300
6 HT350 FC350 350/~No.50 F13501 ISO 185/JL/150 GG35 0.6035 EN-GJL-350 гч35 Grade 350

Exactly what the “controlled” part of the definition implies can vary, but it almost always implies the use of machine tools (in addition to just power tools and hand tools). This is a process used to manufacture many metal products, but it can also be used on materials such as wood, plastic, ceramic, and composites. The CNC machining covers many different processes such as milling, turning, lathing, drilling, honing, grinding...etc.

Also called precision machining, the CNC machining could reach a very high accuracy in geometical tolerance and dimensional tolerance. With our CNC machines and Horizontal Machining Centers (HMC) and Vertical Machining Centers (VMC), we can almost meet all of your required tolerance grades.

CNC Precision Machining Capabilities

Facilities Quantity Size Range (mm) Annual Capacity
Vertical Machining Center (VMC) 48 sets 1,500 × 1,000 × 800  6,000 tonn or 300,000 pieces
Horizontal Machining Center (VMC) 12 sets 1,200 × 800 × 600 2,000 tons or 100,000 pieces
CNC Machine 60 sets Max turning φ600 5,000 tons or 600,000 pieces 
Standard of Tolerance: ISO 8062 2013, ISO 2768, GOST 26645 (Russia) or GBT 6414 (China).

CNC Machining Parts